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CHES was established in approximately 1989 as a handful of home-educating families began meeting together for field trips and co-ops. These pioneers began pooling their resources and talents, and in time, the Christian Home Educators of the Sandhills was born.


Today our group consists of over 100 families with over 400 students. Our purpose is to provide support and enrichment to homeschooling families in the North Carolina Sandhills Community.


CHES activities vary from year to year and are based on parents volunteering their time, leading groups, scheduling unit studies and field trips.  As "our statement of faith says" –


We believe the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments,  is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God and constitutes His complete and final revelation to man and is the best rule by which to live…”


The mission of CHES is to facilitate relationships for home-educating families through through classroom activities, field trips, and more.

Image by Adam Winger
Our Mission
Image by Jess Zoerb


Our vision is to better educate our children through relationships and experiences related to unique learning.

Facebook Group

If you are part of CHES Group, make sure you join our Facebook page for regular updates and engagement.


Christian Home Educators of the Sandhills is a Moore County, NC, source for supporting and enriching your homeschool experience.


Moore County, NC




© CHES Group |  Graphic & Web Design by:

brim design


Dedicated to Rhonda A. Murphy for a lifetime of investment in her children.




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